The Beyond Bretton Woods initiative proposes to create a multi-disciplinary international taskforce to design transformative, plug-and-play type financial solutions and disruptive policy recommendations to address both structural finance fault lines as well as crisis challenges affecting the international monetary order and society at large.

Deep Financial System Review

Risk Dynamics and Comprehensive Set of Recommendations

Magnifying Risk Dynamics

Marred by Perverse Incentives, Ignored Externalities, Capture and Public Apathy

Multiheaded Challenges – Polycrisis

Progression of Planetary Boundaries

(Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Based on Richardson et al. 2023, Steffen et al. 2015, and Rockström et al. 2009)

Inadequacy of Conference of the Parties

COP tries to hold nations accountable for abatement progress:

  1. COP takes an emissions inventory of each member country

  2. Then cross-references with the goals of the Paris Agreement

  3. And determines the effectiveness of actions taken by each country

To no notable effect:

Tipping Points and Public Apathy

Disturbing Risk Dynamics Lead to Inflection Points

Pain Points Systemic Financial Analysis